Returning a product for exchange or refund is complimentary.
Your order will be accepted for refund or exchanged if returned in original condition and packaging within fourteen (14) days from the delivery/purchased date. The returned item(s) must be accompanied by the original receipt or a copy in the case of a partial return.
Products may also be exchanged or returned for store credit at any Lucky Selectism store in NYC within fourteen (14) calendar days from the date of delivery. Lucky Selectism stores offer refunds on any goods purchased on luckyselectism.com. You will find the list of Lucky Selectism stores by clicking on Contact Us or the back of the invoice.
Connect to your account and select "return or exchange items" to select "your orders."
The gift recipient should contact our Customer Service department by telephone at 917-262-0032, Monday to Sunday, from 11:00 a.m. to 7 p.m.ET, or by email under the "Contact us" section. Lucky Selectism Customer Service will then email him/her a time for an appointment to exchange the item.Ā
Products may be exchanged or exchanged for store credit at a Lucky Selectism store in NYC within fourteen (14) calendar days following the purchase date.Ā
Lucky Selectism stores offer refunds for products purchased on the Luckyselectism.com website.
Lucky Selectism stores can be found by clicking on Contact Us page.
Monday through Sunday : 11am - 7pm ETĀ